Tuesday, October 16, 2007

My dreams??

Sue asked me to write about my dreams and pass it on the tag to others. I wonder if Sunayana knew me in a previous birth?? How did she come to know that I love dreams. There have been times when this irritating husband of mine wakes me up in the middle of a dream and I’ve tried to go to sleep hoping that my dream session would continue. Well those are dreams in a literal sense. I think Sue wants me to talk of my dreams in a figurative sense. So here I go-

As a teenager I’d dream about owning a bungalow in a small township with an open terrace adjoining a well furnished bedroom and soft music playing till well past midnight. I had read a novel by Indumathi and was totally impressed! I later settled down in a small township and was glad that at least that part of my dream came true. No I have no regrets and feel glad that I can still dream of owning a cute little bungalow. With domestic help becoming scarce, I’d prefer to let my dream remain that way. Its maintenance would exhaust me and I’d sleep off without listening to soft music. So let me DREAM about it for ever.

As a young mother I dreamed of seeing my children settle down to a decent, morally sound life. Life was a struggle back then but since my husband also shared my dream we were able to fulfill our dream to a reasonable extent. I am glad that my children are not only sensible but sensitive to the needs of the less fortunate and are always a step ahead of us in doing their bit for society. I wouldn’t have wanted it any other way. My sons in law also complement the role of their respective spouses and if and when a daughter in law arrives on the scene I do hope she is also the same. Till then I’d continue to dream of a daughter in law who’d be friends with me.

I have dreams for my country. I dream that in some 20 years from now India will attract talent and brains from the west and we will dictate terms and others would abide by them. But unless we improve our infrastructure and offer basic civic amenities my dream may never be realized. Let us then work together to transform my dream into a reality. I dream that the teaching profession may someday regain its lost position and when a child is asked what he/she would like to become, he/she would proudly announce that she’d want to become a teacher. This cannot happen unless teachers become role models for children to look up to. Already I see a dearth of good teachers in the primary section of prestigious schools and if this trend continues our children will lack motivation and a whole generation will suffer. Let thinking citizens of our country come up with means to rectify the situation before it is too late.

On a lighter note I dream of a day when I don’t have to light the gas and prepare food. I don’t mind drinking cold coffee and eating fruits and salads. I dream that our township has theatres with advance booking facilities and also dream of vehicles that run on rechargeable batteries become the rule rather than an exception, so that our atmosphere would be less polluted.

Finally, I dream of authoring an international best seller but unfortunately I can’t think of a suitable topic. So could any one give me a topic to write on, so that this ambitious dream of mine comes true?

It is long since I pestered Srijith Unni and Starry nights.So I pass on this tag to them and to any one else who may want to take it up.Would srijith and lalitha oblige please?


Jaya said...

If you really feel like authoring a book, the topic might suddenly find you like BINGO! One suggestion - take couple of your posts and revolve them around some characters. They might come out like "RK Narayan"ish style. If nothing else, you have atleast 1 buyer of the book.

Vishesh said...

write a book on your dreams...of your experiences...it will become more than a book...

yes we all dream of India as the nation in the world...the morei think the more we can achieve it...for i believe it is possible.....

Serendipity said...

Awww :)
HHG , you are way too cute , really!
"This husband of mine .." :)

I vote :

That the book writing part not remain a dream!

Rah Rah HHG's book ki jai!

Tys on Ice said...

i really hope u write a book...theres one idea that i hve been toying wth but since my writing skill is as gud a monkey on a typewriter u r free to consider it...

i will email it to u...

hillgrandmom said...

May your dreams come true!

Anonymous said...

niice..esp the part abt having a nice room with an adjoining terrace and soft music playing into the night...sounds like one of mine
and a book? am sure HHG u wont have any dearth of topics..write away u have ur first customer ready :)

starry said...

yes we all have dreams and it is nice when they certainly start to unfold.Thank you for tagging me.I will certainly do it.

Sue said...

Nah, the tag was actually about dreams in the literal sense, but I played around with that too, and I quite like your listing daydreams instead.

You know the cool thing about being your age? Being able to come to terms with your 'successes' and your 'failures'... i.e. being comfortable with what you've achieved and having figured out what things were unnecessary.

Way to go!

rajk said...

Hello, I came to your blog after reading the word Jampot as part of a comment on some other blog. So you are from Jamshedpur. I was born there.. THough I haven't lived there much (we moved when I was nearly 2), my mom was born and raised there.. She'd love to know there's someone from her generation blogging from Jamshedpur! Keep going!!

rajk said...

thanks for ur comment on my blog. Yes, the serials in the south do bring out the essence of that region.
BTW, my mom doesn't have access to the net, but I'll surely tell her about your suggestion!
P.S.: I'm trying to find alumni from DM Madan girls High School in J'pur...going back like 50 years or something..any idea whom to contact?

Usha said...

Nice dreams. And you are the kind of person who can make your dreams come true - for example your dreams for your children. I told Priya that it is time you started writing a book and that she must pester you to write. Take up some women related issues - you have alot of wonderful short stories from your own life. weave them together around a central plot. You can do it, Hipgran!I'll help you edit it. come let us start on Vijayadasami day!

Kowsalya Subramanian said...

wow.. you have twisted the tag in a nice way. I wish that all your dreams come true. Yes you are very much invited for the golu :) :) have you kept one at your place? do drop a mail next time you come to chennai.. would love to meet you :)

Hip Grandma said...

Hi all,
With so many of you encouraging me to author a book I feel confident about achieving the impossible.I'll defintely rope you in to edit and fine tune the book.

WhatsInAName said...

I am with you in this
"I dream of a day when I don’t have to light the gas and prepare food." :)

On a serious note, I look fwd to reading a book written by you soon. May your dream come true. As for topic, I think you can write on just anything under the sun

Dinesh said...

Dear HHG, my sister(the inquisitive akka) had recommended your blog a number of times but I'd never actually got around to reading it. Now that I finally have, I must say its left quite an impression of me. I love your blog because it is warm and sweet without being naive. My mother was a biology teacher too and I can imagine she would have written in exactly the same way as you have :-)

I used to keep telling my mom that she had to write about her experiences as a teacher and now I think I should tell you the same thing. Have you read 'Teacher Man' by Frank McCourt? He won the Pulitzer prize for 'Angela's ashes'. 'Teacher Man' as the title suggests deals with his experiences as a teacher. I think you should write on the same!

You have a new fan now :-)

Vishesh said...

looking forward to helping you :)

Prats said...

Dream, dream , dream...went a song..and it always played in my head cos it reflected what you've said so many times...

**I have dreams for my country. I dream that in some 20 years from now India will attract talent and brains from the west and we will dictate terms and others would abide by them** - Precious one

Th dreams for your children- are so beautiful that I understand how strong it is to feel about it...My refrain to my kids...'be a good human first then think of wanting anything else..'
Glad I came by and read this

Itchingtowrite said...


Hip Grandma said...

Hi all,
My int'net went berserk and drove me nuts.what with navaratri ashtami/navami and vijayadashami being holidays I was able to get it rectified only today.Nice to get so many encouraging comments.I sure will continue to dream on!

aMus said...

as i read somewhere...*“You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream.”***

am i glad that i dropped by to read this beautiful post...:)

Just Like That said...

HGMom, whatever topic you settle on, you are assured of a reader in me.:-D I love the way you write. Haven't forgotten that aattukal;-) I too think you should make a collection of shortstories. It would sure sell like hot idlis made out of rice ground on that aattukal.

And you have won an award, pliss to collect it.:-)

Just Like That said...

HGMOM, tag done, many apologies for the delay.:-)

kurrodu said...

Well, you can release a book titled "anthology of HHGma's posts"