Sunday, February 17, 2008

Good will and its role in life

How do you feel when nothing seems to work for you? It is quite frustrating I must say. It is only then that one realizes that when all else fails it is the good will of those around that sustains us. We worry so much about every penny spent, plan for the future and feel secure about having invested wisely and are financially secure when suddenly money has no meaning at all. Someone very close to you falls ill and you are simply helpless. Money cannot buy good health or mental peace. But luckily the world is not such a bad place to be in. Relatives and friends pitch in and the world is praying with you. Call it God, fate, chance, probability, miracle or whatever you want to call it. You want that unknown entity to take over and it is faith alone that sees you through.

This is exactly what I experienced last week. My sister in law who was more of a friend to me suffered a stroke when there was no one at home. Luckily the neighbor noticed her sitting at her door step and found her posture odd. With the help of a doctor known to her the neighbor rushed her to the hospital while trying to contact her husband. Had she fallen inside the house immediate medical aid could not have been given. I feel lousy staying so far and unable to help in the real sense having had to return after a brief visit. I wanted to save some leave to be able to help later. After all how much can one help a person who is in CCU? But I also feel hopeful that there is a guardian angel who is doing for her that which I could perhaps never do. We were planning for a retired life together. My sister in law was never too happy about my staying in Jamshedpur and had almost coaxed me to buy a house near her place last year. Whenever my children expressed concern she would assure them that she was there for us. All I want is that the prayers of well wishers helps her recover from her critical condition and she buzzes around as usual. More about how our bond was forged in a later post. Right now all I can say is that I was to her the sister she never had and she was to me a sister by marriage but in no way less important to my sister by birth. She needs all your prayers so will you join me in praying for her speedy recovery?


Cee Kay said...

Hope ypur sister-in-law makes a full recovery. Sending lots of prayers your way. My dad suffered a stroke in 2004 but got timely medical attention and recovered fully. So, don't worry. She'll recover.

Altoid said...

Hope she recovers soon HHGMom. Prayers and best wishes, always


hillgrandmom said...

will pray for her and you and your husband. Hope your sister by marriage makes a full recovery.

Hip Grandma said...

GTN:thanks.Actually it is not only a stroke.She has a defective valve and pulmonary edema on account of it.She initially suffered a stroke and other problems showed up later.

altoid:Thanks.we're counting on your prayers.

hillg'mom:Thanks Susan.We need it badly.The fact that she is 10 years younger to my husband makes it difficult to accept.

Prats said...

Both of you are really lucky to have each other and I will pray that the gueardian angel hovers over till she can get better and spend those years with you.
Our prayers are with you to, for strength and the support to get you through this phase

rajk said...

I'll definitely keep your SIL in my prayers. And you too.

Jaya said...

HHG, Hope she recovers soon. With good people like you around, she definitely will.

srijithunni said...

With your prayers,she will surely recover well. probably you can plan a visit once she`s out of CCU..!

Take Care and God Bless.!

With Best Regards,

Tys on Ice said...

she will be fine HHGMom...sending a lot of healing vibes your way...

will lite a lamp at our altar today for her recovery

Vishesh said...

power is what people seek,
our strength is not weak,
when health is in need,
love is the only food.

Anonymous said...

I will pray for her too! Put your trust in God, HHGmom :)

Usha said...

I am quite sure she is going to be well and active soon - please do not worry so much. It is bad for your health too.
I am really amazed at how her neighbour was able to help her _ She is meant to live longer.
Do keep us updated on her progress.

Preethi said...

Prayers and wishes for her speedy recovery

Serendipity said...

Dont worry HHG your sister will be fine :)


Unknown said...

Hope she gets well soon- it was providential that she nade it outside the house .

Sumana said...

HHG, I can understand how deep in pain can one be at this point. God help her have a safe and speedy recovery.

Hip Grandma said...

prats:Thanks a lot.It is wishes from people like you that will work a miracle for her.

rajk:thank you.I remember that your mom knew my SIL as a schoolgirl.Please ask her to put in a word with God.

joy:Thanks joy.She needs to get well for our sakes as much as her's.Her husband counts on her so much.

srijith:Yes, I am planning to visit her during Holi.I was there last Holi too.

tys on ice:Thank you so much.God is the ultimate physician.Hope he takes over and makes her well.

vishesh:how right you her.Due to her nature she has the good wishes of family and friends.I am sure it will help her recover.

lekhni:Thanks.I am doing just that.

Usha:You are right.We too felt that the way timely help was sent her way she is definitely going to make it.but we are humans after all.We tend to lose heart at times.

preethi:Thanks a million.

serendipity:Thank you very much.The stroke or the heart condition are manageable individually.It is the combination that worries us.

eve's lung:I shudder to think of what may have happened if she had fainted inside the house.It was pure co-incidence that the doctor called in was known to her husband's brother's family.

sumana:thanks.yes she is in deep pain but I see that she is putting up a brave fight.

aMus said...

thank god the neighbor did see her...

HHG, our prayers for her speedy recovery and for strength to the near ones who must be feeling so helpless right now...

Archana Bahuguna said...

We really hope and pray she recovers soon...

WhatsInAName said...

My prayers and wishes for your sister in law. I can see that she means a world to you. Dont worry, she will be normal within no time.

Madhumita said...

All my prayers for her recovery HHG.

Hip Grandma said...

jayshri:Thanks.Your words give a lot of comfort to me.

thinking aloud:This is what we mean when we say that "Even during bad times there was some good coming our way."

archana:Please do pray for her.She has so much to live for.Her DIL is only 7 months into her marriage and the sweet girl that she is would really be an asset to my SIl.

whatsinaname:Yes, she spent the first three years of my marriage giving me company and initiating me into this set up.There were times when my MIL would accuse her of spoiling me.Thanks for your wishes.

madhumita:thanks madhu.With so many of you wishing her I am sure she will be okay soon.Unfortunay=tely recovery is slow and there are set backs.

Anonymous said...

Hi HHG...My prayers/dialogues now include your SIL and you...try not to worry too will all work out, ul see...

Cantaloupes.Amma (CA) said...

Hope your SIL recovers soon !! My prayers !!
God bless to the wonderful neighbour!

dipali said...

All good wishes and prayers for a speedy recovery to your sis-in-law.

Anonymous said...

Prayers and hugs on the way.Been in the same helpless position before. I am sure everything will be fine.

Tharini said...

My earnest prayers for a smooth and speedy recovery for your SIL. Your relationship sounds wonderful. Would love to hear more about it.
God bless!

Hip Grandma said...

random vignettes:i am counting on all your prayers to see her through this bad patch in her life.

CA:Very kind of you to wish her.Welcome here tho' You are not new to me having read your comments elsewhere.

dipali:Thanks Dipali.We're indeed hoping and praying for her recovery.Nice of you all to join me.

Pooh;welcome here.Thanks for your good wishes.

tharini:Thanks for your good wishes.yes our relationship has grown stronger by the years.