Sunday, October 14, 2007

Lost opportunities...

'For opportunity might knock twice
But age knocks only once.'

I flicked these lines from Joy’s blog. Of course with her permission. I found them beautiful. They seemed to reflect my own experience when on numerous occasions I missed the boat once, got a second chance but it was never the same.

I came to Jamshedpur as a young 22 year old with no great ambition or aim except perhaps to lead a happy go lucky life sans responsibilities. Eight years later I took up my present job. I was a graduate and joined as a Lab in charge which was a non teaching post, created after the abolition of the post of a demonstrator. The nature of work was the same. But promotion benefits were withdrawn. I loved my job and my department. Ours was a college with a difference. I improved my qualification started taking classes but promotion was a NO! NO! I sometimes wonder what might have happened if I had joined as soon as I reached Jamshedpur. I’d have joined as a demonstrator and by now I might have become a Reader since I would have been eligible for promotions. There is a time and age for every thing a late starter is as good as a non starter.

I did not give up easily. I qualified an eligibility test for lectureship and applied as a fresh candidate. My Ph.D. advisor tried his best to arrange for my viva before my interview. My thesis had been submitted but I could be awarded the degree only after the thesis had been evaluated and the viva-voce conducted. Nothing works the way we want it to. Not having a Ph. D. at the time of the interview was quoted as one among other reasons for my not getting the post.

Today I seem to see light at the end of the tunnel. It is a long story but to cut it short, many others like me joined hands a prepared a file and have managed to get it passed by the cabinet making us eligible to apply for a lecturer’s post. I have only 3 years of service left. Past experience tells me that notifications take a long time to get implemented. So when it ever gets implemented I may have retired proving once again that -

'For opportunity might knock twice
But age knocks only once.'


Altoid said...

Awwwww HHG :)

There are so many reasons we dont get do what we want to, at some time or the other. But you've done good and be proud of where you are and what you are. I'm sure opportunities will knock your door many times again, maybe in different forms. We have to watch out and hope for those ones always!

Hugs and take care :)


Anonymous said...

U know HHG...i love your blog for its honesty and for the fact that all the post seem to come from the heart..may you make good of the opps that come knocking on your door :)

kurrodu said...

Your post is so true. Worrying about lost oppns might make us lose sight of the wonderful possibilities that lie ahead. You may retire in three years.. So what? you could still start tutorial classes for motivated students at home. You may even find yourself more satisfied than being a reader. However, I should say that the harsh reality in your post has definitely put me on high alert.

Tys on Ice said...

in u i see a person who has made optimum use of available resources, a person who has aged upwards...u r truly a teacher and its a blessing that u exist..

life is so wonderful that missing an oppurtunity is also gaining another...

Hip Grandma said...

altoid:Thanks.That was a good suggestion.I'll definitely look out for opportunities and put them to good use.

random vignettes:This blog is a place where I can open up without feeling that I'd be judged.All of you have made it so.Thanks.

kurrodu:I agree that there are many who have plenty of money in their jobs but no recognition.There are others who have neither.We have to accept life with all that is in store for us.

tys on ice:'life is so wonderful that missing an oppurtunity is also gaining another...'
very true.You hit some miss some but at the end of the day a balance sheet is drawn and what really matters is whether one has strived enough whatver the outcome.I think I have done my bit.I am also human.I crib when I am out of sorts and get over it when I see those that are worse off.

Jaya said...

HHG, :) Glad to know you find these lines beautiful. Ofcourse, as Tys says one opportunity lost is another one gained. I agree we should not cry over the spilled milk. But sometimes it might not be that easy. Plus I could have never written the poem whose ending phrase start this blog.

Lavs said...

Pls visit my blog for a surprise gift!

aMus said...

what would you say if you knew that I went through a very low phase, recently? Regret will always be a part of life...There will always be a 'what if ' attached...

U seem to have achieved so much in your life...your blog inspires me to do my be myself......thank u :)

Vishesh said...

nice line @the quote:)

they say time and tide wait for no man...the human tide is controlled by time..

Hip Grandma said...

Jaya:Could you post the entire poem?you know,I wrote the post a month back but kept it to myself.Now after posting it I feel that at my age I shud stop cribbing.My work days are almost overand I've been treated well enough.What more do I need to ask for?

lavs:Thanks!I think that was a wonderful gift.I am glad you consider me worth the name.

thinking aloud: Iam glad you feel that way about my blog.The only way to get over regrets is to think aloud and you blogname suggests just that.BTW welcome here.

visesh:Human tide is contolled by time as well as AGE.

Jaya said...

The poem is here

I don't think there is any age when we can stop cribbing. That would stop only when we do not have any more desires left. Till then, dream on.....

WhatsInAName said...


I could relate to so many of them... the missed opportunities... but then I believe that everything happens for best :)
May everything good happen to you. My best wishes!

Prats said...

Well!!! Hip hop!!! your name suggests age doesn't shun aging...You've had a fulfilling life in terms of your achievements, that some of us would die for...
and life's menat to be lived and if you can't let opportunities walk in when they can...don't fret, just leave the door always open...

Just Like That said...

Regrets and missed opportunities are a part and parcel of life. Not many of us would be so open about what we've failed to achieve- I loved the frankness and wistfulness in this post of yours. And I hope you get your dream realised before you get to retire, HGMom, God bless.
But you know, even without it, am sure you have made a lot of difference to your students' lives and ultimately, isn't that an important part of what teaching is all about? Hugs.

Mahadevan said...

I would'nt say there was missed opportunities. You entered as a graduate, improved upon it to make it a doctorate degree and yet was not offered a post comensurate with your qualifications. The authorities failed to recognise merit or did'nt understand the rules correctly or failed to appreciate the fact that the rules needed amendment to meet their objective. On none of this, you have had a hand. You did'nt miss an opportunity. An opportunity was denied to you, though you did all you were expected to do.