Rajani has given me this award for a second time and here are the rules.
When you receive the prize you must write a post showing it,together with the name of who has given it to you, and link them back
2. Choose a minimum of 7 blogs (or even more) that you find brilliant in their content or design.
3. Show their names and links and leave them a comment informing they were prized with ‘Brilliant Weblog’
4. Show a picture of those who awarded you and those you give the prize
5.And pass it on so now I need to pass this award to bloggers of my choice who I consider brilliant.I choose to pass it on to those who have encouraged me in the past but are either too busy or for some reason have lost touch with me.I choose
Itching to write for the lovely accounts she gives of her twin delights.
Artnavy whose muthu stories were entertainingly brilliant.
Passerby55 who has stopped blogging but is nevertheless one of the most forthright and sensitive bloggers I've come across.
Apu who is rather busy now but writes brilliant pieces on my pet theme-feminism.
Velu Nair Where are you??I am not able to read you at all.
Neers for the lovely pictures she posts and the heartfelt poems she writes.
Archana Bahuguna whom I found and loved from DAY1.
All these bloggers are brilliant in their own way.I haven't been very regular myself so I can hardly blame them for drifting apart.However I do acknowledge that they all have a special place in my head and heart.
Congratulations once again.
Isnt it wonderful that you get another opportunity to showcase your favorite blogs and thus introduce us to them?
qthanks and congrats- it was wonderful to see your commnet at my place- you are sorely missed
and yes that colouring has been done by Anushka herself- when are u in chennai next- we can catch up
:) :D
Thanks for taking it up!! Now, for more interesting posts from you...Why don't you write something about J'pur?
Congratulations once again.rightfully yours.
Congratulations -- you totally deserve it!
thanks so much!
HG: Thanks a lot for this :-). I love your blog very much too!
And just to make sure you know, I have not drifted away :-). Just not been blogging frequently due to loads of work. I do read your blogs regularly :-).
Muaaah!!! Yep! I kissed ya! For the award??? Nah,... umm, that too! But mostly for getting back and getting in touch! :) Great to see ya back! Hows the Diwali and Chatth prep goin on?? (assuming you would be part of Chath celebrations in some way!) :)
congrats :)
Hi all,
Thanks for your inputs and wish you all a Happy Deepavali
where are u?
just wanted to wish u a happy diwali....
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